How to get from a fresh sample to a soil analysis report is explained by us in different articles. Here, we will give you an overview of the articles that describe each step in an easy way. Click on the link to navigate to the corresponding article. You are welcome to browse our Help Center section for any additional information.
When a fresh sample arrives at your LiaB, you register it first: Register a client, a field and an order
Then you have to take a representative subsample: Crushing & Subsampling
The subsample needs to be dried: Drying soil
The dried sample needs to be sieved: Sieving
And then splitted: Splitting
After the splitting the sample should be milled: Milling
Then you can take two scans with the Alpha: Scanning with the Alpha
And scan it on the XRF: Scanning with the XRF
Check your orders: Order status
And download your report: Download report
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