The Home tab of your SoilCares app gives you a clear overview of your application and its options. In this article we explain the different options.
- This is the number of credits that you still have. To increase you credits, navigate to your account (no 11).
- You are working online if this line has a green colour. You are working offline when this line has a red colour like shown in the picture. It is possible to work offline, your app will save your data and your scans. You can upload the data and receive new reports when your connection returns.
- This is the serial number of your scanner. This number can also be found on your scanner. You can connect to a different scanner in your account (no 11).
- With the scan button you can start the menu for soil scanning right away.
- This section shows the profile information of your latest clients. Tap the name to enter the profile. You can swipe the list to navigate to other customer profiles. You navigate to the whole list of clients by double tapping the ‘see all’.
- This section shows your latest reports. Tab the report to see the results. You can swipe the list to navigate to other reports. You navigate to the whole list of reports by double tapping the ‘see all’.
- The Home tab is the overview of your application.
- Reports gives you access to all your reports.
- Scan allows you to start scanning.
- Clients give the overview of all your clients profiles.
- Account gives you access to all your account settings.
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