We developed a new sub-sampler. This will replace the current Crusher.
The first step for a LiaB sample is to reduce the size for analysis. This size reduction is done before the drying process.
This article explains the sup-sampler process.
The subsampler consists of 3 parts. See the picture below.
The three parts only fit in one way on each other.
Step 1: Empty the sample in the bottom part of the subsampler.
Step 2: Spread out the sample equally, if necessary crush the big particles into smaller parts and remove stones and roots.
Step 3: Place the middle part of the sub-sampler on top of the soil and the bottom part of the sub-sampler.
Step 4: Make sure that the middle part is completely pushed trough the sample.
Step 5: Place the lid on top of the bottom and middle part.
Step 6: Turn the sup-sampler 180 degrees. Now the bottom part becomes the top part.
Step 7: Remove the top and middle part of the subsampler and you are left with your sub-sample.
Step 8: check if the whole sample went trough the tubes. If necessary, push the left material trough the tubes.
Step 9: Place the sub-sample in a dryer part. the sample is now ready for the next step, drying.
Note: the left over sample can be stored until the sample is fully analyzed.
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