Implementation of pH water
Last month AgroCares changed its reporting of pH from the KCL method to the water method. Please read the following overview of AgroCares’ recent changes from pH KCL to pH water.
How do the two methods compare?
After using pH (KCl) as a reference method for several years, AgroCares introduced a second method using water extraction. Based on this new extraction method new modules for the Scanner predictions were made.
Note: When introducing a new reference method, it can take several years to finalise the entire process and make it available to customers.
pH (KCl) uses a potassium chloride (KCl) extraction solution whilst the pH water (H2O) extraction method uses water.
The difference in the analysis lies in the actual measured values, which is for pH (KCl) generally one pH unit lower than for pH (water).
For this reason, the pH level will report higher than how it appeared before on the reports.
Why did AgroCares change from pH (KCl) to pH water?
AgroCares is continuously improving the quality of the analysis results, and over the past months it has been discovered that due to implementing new models and database updates, the values of pH water have overall become more reliable and accurate on different soil types/properties (in the lower levels) compared to pH (KCl). In addition, AgroCares aims to be in line with overall global trends that are focused more on pH water analysis. Therefore, the decision to switch all customers to pH water ensures that everyone benefits from these quality improvements.
What does this mean for your previous and current data?
Firstly, for the recommendation nothing will change. Recommendations will now be based on pH water instead of (KCl) (however we are considering the difference by one pH unit).
Secondly, AgroCares realises that many of its customers conduct longer-term trend analysis on their data and therefore it is offering to change all historical data from pH (KCl) to pH water.
If you would like us to convert your historical data to pH water please contact us at:
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