The AgroCares Scanner looks like a relatively easy device. It has only one button, you press it and your Scanner starts analyzing your sample. After the scan is ready, you confirm the order on your phone and you are done. Simple right? That’s how we would like the user experience to be.
However on the inside, there is a lot of sophisticated technology. During the scanning process your scanner and phone have a very complicated conversation. Data is exchanged back and forth continuously between scanner and application via Bluetooth.
What to do in case of ‘miscommunication’ between Scanner and application
It can happen that the scanner and application have a ‘miscommunication’ during this process. In this case it looks like you are stuck in the middle of your scanning process. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does there are a few steps to take that allow you to continue working without losing any of your data:
- The blue light of the Bluetooth symbol on the scanner is blinking
When the blue light of the Bluetooth is blinking; the scanner and phone have lost their connection. Reconnect by pressing the Bluetooth symbol in the upper right corner of the scan menu and wait a few seconds until the blue light is back on and the green light behind the scan button is on as well.
- The green light behind the scan button stopped blinking
It looks like you are done with your (sub) scan, but the green light does not go back on and you can’t continue with the next step. Try pressing the Bluetooth symbol in the upper right corner of the scan menu and wait a few seconds to see if the scanner is ready to continue. If it does, then you can start with the next scan.
- Reconnecting with Bluetooth did not help?
In that case you can try to switch from the Scan menu, to the Home menu and then back to the Scan menu. Reconnect via the Bluetooth symbol.
- None of that works?
Then restart the Scanner by pressing the scan button for a few seconds while you stay in the Scan menu of the app. Start the scanner again, wait until the blue light of the Bluetooth symbol starts blinking, press the Bluetooth symbol in the app menu to reconnect again and wait for a few seconds to see if the scan button shows the green light. Then continue scanning. Your previous scans are saved by the app and you can go on from there.
- Does your Scanner need charging?
If it still does not work, check if your scanner needs charging. If the battery is (nearly) empty, then the chance of getting errors gets a bit higher.
- How to reset your Scanner?
If that doesn’t solve your problem, then you can reset the Scanner. This is the best way to do that:
- Disconnect your Scanner from your phone by removing the Scanner from your phone’s list of Bluetooth devices
- The scanner should be on, but not busy. So if the Scanner is in the startup process, you have to wait until the Bluetooth light is blinking and all other lights are on and stable.
- Take the magnetic end of the charger cable and swipe it once along the reset spot on the side of your scanner. The scanner will go off and you hear a soft click.
- Start the Scanner again and connect it to your phone
- You can start working.
- We advise you not to reset the Scanner too often.
If you still have trouble with your scanner then please contact our support team. You can do so via the ‘Submit a request’ button in the upper right corner of the support page.
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