Register a field via the 'Fields' tab in the portal. Click the 'Add New Field' button that gives you the option to draw the field polygon of the sample field or upload a shape file of the field
The ‘Draw your field option’ activates the polygon tool allowing you to draw the sampled field in a map. Using the search box located in the right top corner of the map, enter the name of the field location, or select the correct place from the list. The system will focus on the selected location. You can click on + and – items (or scroll the mouse) in order to zoom in and out on the map.
Then you can navigate to farmers field location to draw the field polygon. After found the right location for your field, you start drawing your field with the ‘draw a shape’ icon. Select the icon and click with the left mouse button on the map where the first corner of your field should be. Click again on the other corners of your field and connect the first and last dots with each other. The system will fill the shape with a colour when you have successfully created your field. Completion of the drawing leads to a tab where you can enter the basic field information (field name, size, unit, etc).
Add the registered client by using the 'search client' tab then click the Save Field button on the bottom left corner. Your new field is now shown in fields' list.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to our support team via
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