Description of the headers from the spreadsheet downloadable in AgroCares Portal
Order ID
Unique number for each report produced by AgroCares with any application. If you have a question or an issue with a report, you should provide this number to support/account manager
Crop Name
Crop type selected by the user. User selects the crop after scanning the soil from a list provided in the app, before the order is reported. It determines the fertilizer recommendations, as each crop has different nutrient needs, attainable yield and/or number of application of fertilizers.
Device Serial Number
Unique number for each Scanner device. If you have a question or an issue with the Scanner (hardware), provide this number to support/account manager.
Target Yield
Yield that the user enters after scanning the soil and before the order is reported. If the value entered is too low or too high for the selected crop the system recalculates its value. It determines fertilizer recommendations.
Target Yield Unit
Units of the target yield introduced by the user while introducing the target yield, selected by the user from a list of available units.
Client Name
Name of the client/farmer. Introduced or selected from the list available on the app. The user selects it after scanning the soil and before the order is reported.
Client Phone
Phone number of the client/farmer selected while scanning.
Client Country
Country of the client/farmer selected while scanning.
Client City
City of the client/farmer selected while scanning.
Order Latitude; Order Longitude
GPS coordinates of the soil sample analysed. It is entered by the user while scanning, the accuracy of it depends on the phone used. It is very important to select the correct location where the soil sample was taken. The soil analysis result is affected by it.
Field Latitude; Field Longitude
GPS coordinates of the field selected by the user. A field can be created while scanning (including the introduction of the coordinates) or it can be created in advanced via the portal (or field information previously send to AgroCares). The GPS coordinates of the field determine the list of fertilizers that will be advised on the soil correction plan. Each country/region has a specific list of available fertilizers. This GPS coordinates can differ from the coordinates of the order if the user selects a field and then enters a different GPS location on where the soil sample was taken. These coordinates do not affect the soil analysis result, only the fertilizers available for recommendations.
Field Country
Country of the field selected by the user. Each country has a specific list of fertilizers available for fertilizer recommendations.
Field Name
Name of the field selected by the user
Field Size
Size of the selected field
Field Size Unit
Unit of the selected field
Order Type
Type of analysis done soil, feed or leaves.
App Name
Name of the app used to produce each report
Creation Date
Date and time when the report was produced, usually the same time that the soil was scanned.
Creation Year
Year when the report was created
ActualNeed (if available on your license)
This column (and the next one) is intended for developers to be able to easily integrate the information produced by the report into their own platform or in a different type of document. The information in this column includes (written in a code format) the total nutrient need required to achieve a good plant production and development, and to improve the soil fertility status. This information can be found in the report in the chart/table called "Actual Nutrient Need". If you want to see this data directly from the excel we suggest that you copy-paste the code into this website: (copy paste the text into the tab "Text", then to view the data in a structured manner click on the tab "Viewer".
SoilCorrectionPlan (if available on your license)
This column (and the previous one) is intended for developers to be able to easily integrate the information produced by the report into their own platform or in a different type of document. The information in this column includes (written in a code format) the fertilizers (type, quantity and application times) required to achieve a good plant production and development, and to improve the soil fertility status. This information can be found in the report in the chart/table called "Actual Nutrient Need". If you want to see this data directly from the excel we suggest that you copy-paste the code into this website: (copy paste the text into the tab "Text", then to view the data in a structured manner click on the tab "Viewer".
Soil Analysis Result
After SoilCorrectionPlan (if available on your license) to the end of the excel there are the soil analysis results produced after scanning the soil. In case of different languages chosen for the report, extra columns are created further to the right with the same soil parameters but with a different language. Soil analysis results consist of the following agronomical parameters: pH, total nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), organic carbon, organic matter, cation exchange capacity (CEC), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), aluminium (Al), iron (Fe), born (B) and clay content (parameters displayed depend on your license).
Each of these parameters is shown three times in different columns in the excel (see example for pH in the table below). The first column is the actual soil analysis result for that parameter. In the example below, the pH of the soil analyzed is 4.5. The next two columns are providing information on the threshold for that parameter. If the soil analysis result is higher or lower than the specified threshold it means that the soil status for that parameter is not adequate. In the excel, this threshold is specified as “_Min” and “_Max”. In this example for pH (water), the low range is 5 and the high range is 6.5. Thus, in this case a pH result of 4.5, is categorized as low pH (<5.0). This translates into recommendations for agricultural practices, for a low pH this is application of lime with the aim to increase the pH. An adequate pH would be between 5.0 and 6.5.
Example soil analysis result for pH (water):
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